Kruuse Manuka Case study - Cat CASE HISTORY Belle, a 1 year old female DSH presented with a wound to the ventral aspect of her tail. The owner had discovered the wound the previous day. A cat bite abcess was suspected and the case was managed as an open wound using Manuka honey. A successful outcome was quickly achieved. CASE DIARY DAY 1 – Owner noticed wound DAY 2 – Presented at surgery with a wound to the ventral aspect of her tail base. The wound had inflammed, thickened edges with a deficit to the central area. Surgical intervention was considered. Due to the location of the wound an open moist wound management approach was taken. The owner was advised to bathe the wound twice daily with saline and to apply the Manuka honey 3 times daily. An Elizabethan style collar was advised to prevent patient interference. Wound size 1.6cm x 1.6cm. A long acting antibiotic and a painkiller injection were given and an oral suspension of painkiller dispensed. (Convenia, Cefovecin sodium – lasts up to 14days/Metacam, Meloxicam – 8 days) DAY 8 – Light scabbed area present over wound – flushed with Aquaspray and removed easily. The wound was healing very well. Large reduction in size – 1cm X 0.6cm and no depth to the wound, it had granulated well. The owner was advised to continue with the saline bathing and Manuka honey application twice daily. Day 16 – The wound was fully healed. The owner reports they stopped topical treatment 3 days previously as wound had healed by then. OUTCOME A successful outcome was rapidly achieved using a simple moist wound management approach and with the aid of the benefits of the Manuka honey. CASE REFLECTION This case gives a good visual display of what can be achieved with Manuka honey. Dressings can’t always be used due to wound location so this shows how an owner can manage a wound with the correct advice. Quick results were seen which gave the owner confidence in the product and advice given by the practice. The owner did report that the honey was quite crystallised and difficult to remove from the tube. It was advised to gently warm the product to room temperature by rolling tube between the palms of the hands before use.
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